Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Biz School Chronicles :: Hierarchy of Social Community Needs

Read the original article here.

Forrester analyst Nigel Fenwick makes a nice connection between Abraham Maslow's classical theory on the Human Hierarchy of Needs and the needs and aspirations of those who participate in today's on-line communities. At a glance the mapping looks like ....

The author recommends that those who develop/host such communities keep these motivational factors in mind and facilitate achieving them via;
  • Offering a mechanism for easy communication (e.g. micro-blogging).
  • Helping members to connect through rich profiles and profile search with friending.
  • Encouraging support by providing not only Q&A but also the ability to vote and reward contributions
  • Providing the ability to share ideas and to comment and add insight such as through virtual whiteboards, photos, video or a wiki-type content platform.
Good read!